2022 Instrumental Solo & Ensemble Results



Eastshore Leading the Way – EME Project!

Near the end of 2020, your Eastshore board approved $2,500 be set aside to help support Equity-focused professional development for member teachers. That initial proposal has now evolved into the EME (Equity in Music Education) Project! This professional development series is focused on deconolizing music classrooms and providing an ongoing space for teachers to hear from experts in the field of equity in music.

All WMEA Members can attend FOR FREE! And earn clock hours!! Zoom links were sent out to Eastshore Region members via email. If you are from outside the Eastshore region and would like to join us, please contact board@eastshoremusic.org and we’ll forward you the links. Share with others in Washington State as well!

See the document below for the full list of presenters, topics, and dates.

EME Project Schedule

Thank you to Chandra Rampersad, Sammamish High School Band and Eastshore Regional Secretary, for spear-heading this exciting work!

2020 Updates Rolling Out!

You may notice that we’re working on improving the website for the region. Your feedback and thoughts are welcome – contact board@eastshoremusic.org to get a hold of the board anytime! You can also contact treasurer@eastshoremusic.org to reach both of our treasurers.

We have made browsing all of our digital documentation easier and more up-to-date than ever. You can now see all of our region’s documents in one place by checking this convenient Google drive link, also linked above in the Documents page found in the main navigation. If you see something missing you are hoping to find in there, let us know.

We are also working to fully update our regional contact information to include all members in our region. This includes our K-5 colleagues as well! If you notice we’re missing anyone or you see any errors on our Contact pages, please send an email to board@eastshoremusic.org and we’ll set it right.

Finally, you may notice that the 2020-2021 High School and Middle School events, as well as all General Meetings (including all region membership) as well as our Executive Board Meetings, have been added to the Events Calendar page. Some may find it more convenient to access this information on the web page than on the online .PDF of our year long calendar.

Thanks everyone, and have a great start to your year!
– Eastshore Executive Board

Solo & Ensemble Instrumental Announcement

Greetings Eastshore Region Instrumental Music teachers!

If you become aware that I have missed any teachers of grades 9-12 within our region, please alert me ASAP. 

Our solo and ensemble contest registration site is set up and you are now invited to begin submitting student applications. Your access to the site will close on Saturday, December 21, 2019 so please make sure you have fully completed all entries by that date.

Alert! By state contest rules, if you miss that deadline, I am allowed to try to accommodate your requests on a space available basis, but those entries will be coded as “not eligible for state.”

I have attached a tutorial that will guide you through accessing the site, logging in, and step by step instructions. If you have any challenges, just let me know.

Here is a link to the 2020 State Solo and Ensemble Contest Rules document. As teachers of students choosing to compete, it is our responsibility to understand all rules!

Finally, I have attached two worksheets you can use to gather student entry info if you wish. They are in WORD, so feel free to edit before distribution.  Strictly optional, and I do not want you to send them to me—the entire process is done online. As I mentioned in previous communication, we use a Google form at Mount Si to collect student information. It makes it easy to copy and paste into the online system. However, feel free to use whatever system is most efficient and effective for you and your program.

We are looking forward to hosting our Instrumental solo and ensemble contest this year!  A reminder that it will be held on Saturday, January 25, 2020 at Mount Si High School.

More details to follow in the coming weeks!

All the best,


Bill Leather

Band Director

Mount Si High School
