Sub-Committee Persons for 2018-2020

Eastshore Music League members,

We are excited to be expanding our board to include sub-committee chairpersons. We are hoping to improve representation on the board while building and fostering more active sub groups within our region.

There will be 3 sub-committee chair positions; one for band, choir, and orchestra. The duties of the sub-committee chairs will include planning, organizing, and facilitating sub-committee meetings among their cohort, reporting back to other board members any updates and changes from cohort meetings, checking in with cohort festival hosts and assisting as needed, facilitating any commissions or special events among a cohort, attending general membership meetings, and attending occasional board meetings as needed.

These positions will last for two years (on the same term length as other board positions). If you have any questions, please be sure to email one of the current board members! Thank you!

Hello Eastshore Members,

Believe it or not… we are coming up on our LAST MEETING of the school year! Please mark your calendar now (if you haven’t already) for:

Monday, April 23rd
Lake Hills Library, Bellevue

We will be having some important discussions and be making important decisions about next year at this meeting and would love to have as many members of our region represented as possible.

Topics that will be covered include:

  • Calendar
    1. Dates for all festivals and events next year
    2. Changes to band festival dates/format
    3. Band festival volunteer hosts (instead of rotation)
    4. General membership meetings
  • Board Positions
    1. This is a voting year for next year’s board (president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer). All of your current board members (myself, Chandra, Cory, and Kathy) would like to run for our current positions again to help continue to move things in what we hope is a positive direction. That being said, if anyone is feeling called to run for any of these positions PLEASE know your willingness to run would completely welcomed. If this is you, be sure to let me know at your earliest convenience so we can add you to the ballot!
    2. We would like to add sub-committee chairs for band, orchestra, and choir (3 positions) to the board. These positions would help plan and facilitate sub-committee meetings, check-in with festival coordinators, and report back to the board and general membership about sub-committee “happenings.” If this is something you would be interested in applying for, please let me know at your earliest convenience!
  • Solo & Ensemble
    1. Location of hosting
    2. Festival costs (potential of raising fees)
  • General Feedback
    1. We will be welcoming any feedback or proposals for us to consider and start preparing to have discussions about as we move into next year.

I will be sending out a survey and RSVP opportunity before the end of the week, so please keep an eye out for that. Additionally, 2 action items:

  • If interested in a board position (pres/vp/sec/treas) please e-mail me ASAP
  • If interested in a sub-committee position (band/orchestra/choir) please e-mail me ASAP

I’d be happy to provide more information about any of these positions if you have any sort of interest at all. Just reach out and I’d be happy to fill you in and answer any questions you have! I hope you’ll thoughtfully consider if you might be able to help our Eastshore region continue to move things in a positive direction by taking on any of these positions. J

Thank you again, as always, for your support!

All the best,
